Tuesday, November 3, 2009

what are you guilty of


  1. I am guilty of not knowing what i want but acting like i do.

  2. sin in many, many forms.

  3. is there an objective standard? or is guilt just a collection of social norms? if social then i am guiltless because i haven't done anything that others haven't done. there is always someone to bless any activity you may wish to engage in. if objective, then who sets the standard? what is that standard? if it is too high and i know i can't make it or be perfect, should i try? Guilty as charged! i need someone to ransom me and pay the debt. who can save me from this?

  4. Guilty of sulking too much. Trying to remedy the problem.

  5. Guilty of feeling guilty when I should really just stand by my decisions and actions

  6. breaking hearts
    ....and stinky farts

  7. I'm guilty of not answering these window questions every day. Seriously i open the message i get and i feel a pang of guilt because I know I wont do it. I have internet ADD, and everytime i get to thinking about the question, I get lost in thought and wind up someplace else. Sorry!

  8. Murder. All the things that I could be guilty of are covered by my sin that murdered Him. His blood sets me free.

  9. Today? wasting time on the job. bah.

  10. Let me count the ways. Wait-wait- there are sooo many ways - let's not dwell on them!

  11. Antonio is guilty of taking cookies out of the cookie jar.

    Erica is guilty of settling for less.

  12. Ok... Here it goes.. I removed a matress pad label that read..DO NOT REMOVE UNDER PENALTY OF LAW... Guilty.

  13. Lies. Yup, in order to get information I think I want about stories that I make up. And, you know what? I don't ever hear what I want to hear to justify my jealousy.

  14. not being sensitive enough to my family

  15. I agree totally with the person above who said SIN. . .with a big capital selfish "I" in the middle of it. Thank you, Jesus, for redemption and forgiveness.

  16. Not giving enough in terms of time, patience and understanding...but I continue to work on it.

  17. judging others.
    not loving enough.
    not picking my battles well enough.

  18. Lying.

    But more accurately. That is the only thing I have done that I feel deserves the feeling of guilt. I feel just fine about everything else.

  19. nothing + everything.

  20. not being able to learn a lesson. ever.
