Monday, November 9, 2009

what is hate


  1. Wanting to nail-gun somebody to the wall, flay them with a cheese grater, pour hydrogen peroxide and pickle juice in the wounds, let them heal, repeat.

  2. the absence of love

  3. Hate.

    Absence of light. Black and dark as molten tar and and just as despised. Hate crushes the human spirit, in both who feel it, and those who receive it's venom.

    Our great God will illuminate hatred, show it for what it is, then banish it forever Amen.

  4. A sin that results in misery and death for the hater..Most of us don't really hate people but we hate their sin. God calls us to love all people. We don't have to love their sin. I think this is a key to having peace in our own lives.

  5. Hate is cold and dark - absent of all LIGHT or love.

  6. Hate, very strong emotion used too frequently and liberally. People use it all the time, even I do. to describe other people,events,food etc.I do not really hate . I do not like,enjoy or can tolerate some people or things but hate? I guess I could hate the men who took down the twin towers and their comrades.People who molest children. Evil. That is worth hate...

  7. a word i hear too often.

  8. I don't like the word hate.

  9. somebody said it already "ignorance". Mixed with self-consciousness, jealousy, selfishness etc

  10. Hate is a destroyer. I have seen individuals hate so much that it changes them to the point they are not the same person as they once were. It slowly kills them inside.

  11. how i feel for people who eat chicken wings in front of me

  12. hate is when i'm simultaneously afraid and hopeful that concentrating my glare on someone will make their head melt in a pool of steaming blood.

  13. i'm sorry, i know its not entirely related but i feel the need to respond to this:

    "A sin that results in misery and death for the hater..Most of us don't really hate people but we hate their sin. God calls us to love all people. We don't have to love their sin. I think this is a key to having peace in our own lives."

    i want to clarify because i think this is close but not quite right. god calls for one to love all people AND to not make judgements about them/their sin. you can judge yourself, and hate your own sin, but judging others is the place of god is it not?. a lot of times people will say "love the sinner, hate the sin." there are good intentions behind the statement, but it calls on people to make judgements about the presence of sin in other people's lives. i don't think god would want us doing that. (eg john 8:7, matthew 7:1-6)

  14. nothing + everything.
