Friday, October 30, 2009

what is enough


  1. god. sometimes, it's all you've got.
    and, on most days, a hot cup of tea and a good book.

  2. What is enough? I have enough to do. I have had enough to eat. More than enough. Enough already? Is enough before or after I am full? Enough might mean I don't need any more. It might be before I'a full, it might be an exercise in discipline, a moment of recognition. Enough might mean, just right, satisfied, full but not over the top. Qualifiers help; more than, or not enough. Enough is a big word probably more than it's 6 letters. Enough to me is that moment when I say stop, on the flip side is not enough, when I say don't stop. I enough tied to greed? Enough is tied to all sort of good and bad. I want to think about enough some more. Enough is about balance, playing fair, equality, sharing, limits, boarders and fences...Enough is more than is really necessary. Necessary and enough, these words a definitely connected. Enough of this or that are necessary to complete a job. Not enough, and necessary takes over. Sometimes necessary, or rather what is necessary, or thought to be necessary, takes over and creates a situation where the idea of enough changes. Is it necessary to have 20 pair of shoes, probably not, but I don't have a pair to wear with my 21st pair of jeans. Yikes! Enough about enough already.

  3. What a funny word, ENOUGH.

  4. What is His?
    Everything is His.
    What is mine?
    He is mine.

    -Thomas Merton

  5. ENOUGH....Is enough.

  6. !Basta es Basta!****** Enough is enough!!!

  7. there is never enough! also this thing has been giving me some serious crap and now im freaking out in a f&^king hostel in helsinki f&*&ing finland! if i had enough this would not be bloody welll happening!

  8. actually, it can't be an adjective. it's either an adverb or a pronoun, depending on the way it's used :)

  9. im pretty sure its a movie with J lo where she has to do epic training to beat the shit out of her ex husband.... in order to make sure he stops beating the shit out of her... all in all its about domestic violence.

  10. A warm fire, good food, and close friends to share

  11. In education or any pforessional (I think) in which you work with people... Enough is NEVER ENOUGH! There is always one more.... which makes enough never ENOUGH! Education can always reach one more or everyone for that matter!

  12. sometimes it is enough to just have a nice cold soda in a clear glass. Other times it doesn't feel like enough until I've been tied up, called a slut (over and over again), fucked hard, and then finally the relaxing feeling that settles over me after that feels like enough. One time I dated this guy who said "I love our fascinating conversations, and the great sex, but something is MISSING..." Why do people have to be like that?

  13. Enough means different things for differnt people. For me it means ralizing that I am so fortunate in the moment. Wonderful husband and family & pets. I can honestly say I have always had a roof over my head, enough food to eat, etc.....Enough!

  14. enough war, that has to stop

  15. nothing + everything.

  16. Not too much, not too little.
